91.   OIL SUPPLIES CLIMB SHARPLY Supplies of heating oil and diesel fuel climbed sharply, continuing a turnaround.

92.   On Tuesday it unveiled a prototype of a bus powered by electric and diesel fuel that is designed to reduce soot emission significantly and save fuel.

93.   One is the recent spike in the price of diesel fuel.

94.   Oil industry spokesmen said the new rules will greatly drive up the cost of diesel fuel and trucking costs.

95.   One would exempt Alaskans from the requirement that dye be put in diesel fuel.

96.   Other companies are shipping timber down river, receiving diesel fuel in return.

97.   Partial or total abolition of the tax rebate on diesel fuel will increase costs for all miners and will force some mines to close.

98.   Petroleum products such as kerosene, diesel fuel and leaded gasoline were employed for fuel and heating and used to dampen down sand and dust.

99.   Reductions in sulfur content of diesel fuels used in heavy trucks and buses.

100.   Prosecutors have said the federal building was destroyed by an explosive mixture of ammonium nitrate fertilizer and diesel fuel in a Ryder rental truck.

n. + fuel >>共 204
diesel 26.64%
jet 15.35%
rocket 7.42%
aviation 4.64%
reactor 3.63%
uranium 3.12%
distillate 1.94%
hydrogen 1.69%
plutonium 1.35%
premium 1.10%
diesel + n. >>共 131
fuel 35.67%
generator 6.32%
oil 4.74%
price 3.27%
bus 3.05%
car 3.05%
truck 3.05%
exhaust 2.82%
vehicle 2.14%
fume 2.03%
每页显示:    共 314