91.   For more than two months, Yepes was held at a federal detention center here as immigration officials sought to eject him for good.

92.   For now, Osborne has chosen to pay off his running tab by working in the kitchen at the downtown detention center.

93.   For years, reports of overcrowding, assaults, self-mutilation and suicide attempts flowed out of the state juvenile detention center in this conservative northwest Georgia community.

94.   Foreman hopes that the juvenile detention center someday will have a wing for substance abuse rehabilita tion.

95.   Frustration flared into violence early Sunday at an immigrant detention center in Elizabeth, N.J., that has been buffeted by charges of mistreating the illegal aliens held there.

96.   Global Exchange has tours of its own, to a juvenile detention center and the garment district, and to other locations off the typical delegate path.

97.   Gays and lesbians are often isolated in detention centers to protect them from such attacks.

98.   Hay was sent to an INS detention center in Louisiana, and there she remains.

99.   He had been incarcerated for parts of three years in California juvenile detention centers, forcing him to miss out on most of his high school experience.

100.   Hamburg police are holding Frankel in the Holstenglacis jail, a detention center filled mainly with suspected drug dealers and users.

n. + center >>共 686
city 6.86%
detention 6.23%
research 3.26%
command 2.34%
distribution 2.28%
treatment 2.18%
trade 2.15%
health 1.85%
control 1.77%
rehabilitation 1.69%
detention + n. >>共 105
center 44.64%
camp 15.54%
centre 8.03%
facility 7.17%
hearing 4.71%
order 2.79%
officer 1.68%
condition 1.30%
unit 1.30%
cell 1.20%
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