91.   It seems like just about everyone is mad at Jeanne Shaheen, the popular Democratic governor with the shy smile, soft voice and granite gaze.

92.   It was the first speech by a Democratic governor in nearly two decades, and it managed to appeal to the GOP in form.

93.   Jeanne Shaheen, the two-term Democratic governor, is only slightly more enthusiastic.

94.   Jim Hodges, the Democratic governor of South Carolina, left the convention rather conspicuously on Tuesday, before the acceptance speeches of Gore and Lieberman.

95.   Lawmakers also added several new reforms not requested by the Democratic governor.

96.   Lieberman and Gore will be in Atlanta on Thursday with Gov. Roy Barnes and a contingent of Southern Democratic governors to promote the successes of welfare reform.

97.   Last week the state mourned the death of a beloved former Democratic governor who gained national fame as a rare opponent of abortion in his party.

98.   Lawrence became the odd man out when his Republican supporters lost power in Trenton and a new Democratic governor and a changed Legislature took over.

99.   Meanwhile, fiscal trouble is visiting Indiana and Colorado, where Democratic former governors Evan Bayh and Roy Romer cut taxes.

100.   New Hampshire has been tough to call since the death of Sen. Styles Bridges, but the Granite State has finally entered the mainstream with a female Democratic governor.

a. + governor >>共 464
former 19.26%
republican 12.87%
provincial 6.01%
state 5.40%
democratic 4.72%
new 4.50%
regional 3.62%
acting 3.21%
first 1.81%
local 1.57%
democratic + n. >>共 530
candidate 5.81%
leader 5.70%
reform 4.34%
nomination 3.09%
senator 2.47%
primary 2.37%
nominee 1.81%
election 1.49%
lawmaker 1.42%
president 1.42%
governor 1.14%
每页显示:    共 236