91.   Defense systems ... superior!

92.   Despite a daily dose of bombs that have crippled Serb air defense systems, the Serbs are showing no sign of budging.

93.   Despite the blasting of the train, NATO officials said that the air campaign has weakened the Serb air defense system and its supply network.

94.   Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld recently raised concerns among Europeans when he said that a missile defense system was likely to experience failures.

95.   Dole says he wants to give us a balanced budget, tax cuts, a bigger Army and Navy and a missile defense system.

96.   Earlier this year, the magazine spurred debate with an article critical of the proposed missile defense system.

97.   Ensuring the effectiveness of missile defense systems therefore requires not testing or deploying antisatellite technology.

98.   Europeans also worry that the defense system could lead to a spiraling arms race that the ABM treaty was designed to avoid.

99.   Even by the most optimistic technological assumptions, a reliable missile defense system is still years away, as are the threats it is meant to counter.

100.   Even within the military there has been dissension about the wisdom of proceeding with a missile defense system that could likely siphon money intended for other weapons.

n. + system >>共 804
computer 5.46%
school 2.85%
defense 2.63%
missile 2.33%
justice 2.00%
pressure 1.82%
tax 1.74%
security 1.68%
cable 1.60%
control 1.49%
defense + n. >>共 309
lawyer 15.07%
attorney 12.96%
minister 11.58%
official 5.04%
system 4.38%
ministry 3.12%
secretary 2.97%
team 2.75%
contractor 1.91%
industry 1.54%
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