91.   The company said the cuts would affect all levels and geographic areas.

92.   The cuts affect employees in New York, Seattle and Los Angeles.

93.   The cuts affected junior bankers and support staff, primarily in London.

94.   The cuts will not affect Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc., publisher of the well-known print encyclopedia.

95.   The cuts will affect all areas, including already-precarious public schools and hospitals.

96.   The cuts will affect both the English and French radio and TV services.

97.   The cuts will affect rates on mortgages, loans and savings accounts.

98.   The cuts would affect all categories of staff, he said.

99.   The latest job cuts affect mainly junior staff who help store and distribute aircraft parts.

100.   The job cuts affect workers primarily in promotions, human resources, finance and marketing.

n. + affect >>共 1607
change 3.20%
strike 2.39%
decision 1.98%
cut 1.82%
problem 1.80%
ruling 1.59%
disease 1.29%
crisis 1.17%
rule 1.03%
move 0.92%
cut + v. >>共 562
be 32.40%
come 5.56%
have 2.78%
help 2.57%
affect 2.49%
take 1.99%
make 1.70%
mean 1.39%
go 1.31%
include 1.10%
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