91.   As with civilian trials and military court martial cases, the standard for convicting a defendant would be proof beyond reasonable doubt.

92.   As with any court case, a settlement becomes attractive when the outcome is uncertain.

93.   Assistant Solicitor General Jeffrey Minear acknowledged, though, that the Justice Department once took the opposite stance on behalf of the Treasury in an earlier appeals court case.

94.   At one point, he even posed for a shot alongside offensive tackle Mike Rosenthal, whose testimony helped swing a court case against Davie and the school.

95.   At least one has hired a forensic auditor, an accountant who specializes in examining financial records for court cases.

96.   At UVA, preparing for his dissertation, Rothman spent many hours reading old newspapers and court cases, looking for references to sex across the color line.

97.   ATLANTA - Lawyers will argue a federal court case today that could signal whether U.S. utilities must clean up their old, coal-burning power plants.

98.   Balaran declined to comment publicly on his investigation, citing his continuing role in the court case.

99.   Bayron said her daughter is very upset over the court case against her father.

100.   Because Whitacre only provided the documents to reporters and did not submit them for his court case, his fabrications are not crimes.

n. + case >>共 629
court 9.29%
murder 5.46%
corruption 3.53%
drug 2.58%
high-profile 2.33%
fraud 2.25%
abuse 2.10%
capital 1.92%
display 1.71%
rape 1.54%
court + n. >>共 465
ruling 8.72%
decision 5.87%
case 5.73%
hearing 4.47%
appearance 4.32%
official 4.26%
document 4.07%
paper 3.70%
record 3.12%
battle 2.73%
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