91.   Until now, only professional digital cameras costing thousands of dollars each had similar resolution.

92.   We fought a war that more and more Americans came to regard as a mistake, costing thousands of lives even after we decided to get out.

93.   We know also that in Vietnam, we got mired in a civil war that cost thousands of American lives and ended in defeat.

94.   When animals begin to have surgeries that cost thousands of dollars, can health insurance be far behind?

95.   Organizers wanted to protest the government downsizing and privatization plans that are expected to cost thousands of jobs.

96.   A down payment can cost thousands of dollars, and a family needs good credit to finance the rest.

97.   A high war-risk insurance rating slapped on Sri Lanka threatens to cripple its trade, cost thousands of jobs, boost inflation and deplete foreign exchange reserves.

98.   A month of fighting in Chechnya has already cost thousands of lives and produced hundreds of thousands of refugees.

99.   Albania disintegrated into armed insurrection in February after the collapse of shady investment schemes that cost thousands of Albanians their life savings.

100.   Albania disintegrated into armed insurrection in January after the collapse of shady investment schemes that cost thousands of Albanians their life savings.

v. + thousand >>共 989
kill 5.17%
send 3.14%
have 2.89%
draw 2.42%
attract 2.08%
leave 1.89%
cost 1.86%
spend 1.58%
save 1.49%
involve 1.29%
cost + n. >>共 402
money 10.63%
million 8.72%
hundred 7.53%
thousand 5.50%
job 4.90%
billion 4.57%
lot 4.42%
ten 3.48%
life 3.29%
company 2.21%
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