91.   The only exceptions are when customers specifically request that their food be cooked rare, or when the dish traditionally involves raw food.

92.   The refugees meet on Saturday nights to plan resettlement strategy, help new arrivals and cook Bosnian food such as cevapi, a marinated garlic hamburger on pita bread.

93.   The teapot that accompanies this bowl is made in the shape of the traditional vats in which Kyrgyz villagers cook their food.

94.   The Taliban soldiers lived in simple mud huts and cooked food in large vats over open fires.

95.   There was no captain and five chefs, each crew member rotating through a day in the galley preparing menus, cooking the food, then washing up.

96.   They adapted to America, and they cooked food like pasta until it was really cooked, the way Americans liked it.

97.   There are purists, who insist that any food should be cooked in the style in which it lived.

98.   They cooked homemade food for us, chili, casseroles and beef and rice.

99.   They cooked the food in a great big pot, and for three days, everyone who wanted could eat and drink.

100.   They imprinted the squash and steaks with definite lines and cooked the food evenly at all points.

v. + food >>共 800
eat 7.31%
buy 4.09%
bring 3.00%
have 2.98%
serve 2.96%
distribute 2.78%
provide 2.74%
deliver 2.47%
get 2.39%
cook 2.10%
cook + n. >>共 497
food 6.78%
meal 6.34%
pasta 4.92%
dinner 3.72%
meat 3.06%
chicken 2.35%
rice 2.30%
fish 1.99%
potato 1.77%
vegetable 1.77%
每页显示:    共 152