91.   Armenian forces presently control most of the enclave and some land inside Azerbaijan.

92.   Bin Laden operates in Afghanistan with sanctuary provided by the Taliban, a fundamentalist Muslim group that controls most of the country.

93.   Bordeaux controlled most of the match but failed to break down a Swiss team content to play on the break.

94.   Bin Laden has been living in Afghanistan for years with the permission of the Taliban, who control most of the country.

95.   Bin Laden, a wealthy Saudi expatriate, has been given sanctuary by the Taliban, which controls most of Afghanistan.

96.   Beijing is wary of the restive Uighur minority in the west of China, while Russia opposes Islamic rebels in Tajikistan and their allies who control most of Afghanistan.

97.   Both sides claimed Sunday they controlled most of Orahovac.

98.   Bin Laden has been living in Afghanistan with the permission of the Taliban, a hard-line Islamic group that controls most of the country.

99.   Bin Laden has been living in Afghanistan with the permission of the Taliban, who control most of the country.

100.   Broendby controlled most of the game and had several good chances to score in the final minutes through Peter Moeller, Ole Bjur and Ruben Bagger.

v. + most >>共 694
spend 15.56%
make 6.80%
do 3.94%
get 3.34%
have 2.38%
suffer 2.30%
benefit 2.22%
matter 2.19%
control 1.97%
take 1.62%
control + n. >>共 972
cost 2.55%
most 2.28%
access 1.67%
game 1.55%
area 1.53%
flow 1.45%
ball 1.42%
part 1.29%
inflation 1.23%
crowd 1.06%
每页显示:    共 264