91.   While continuing to play tough, Ginsburg also publicly beseeched prosecutors to phone him and continue negotiations, hinting that a single phone call could prompt Lewinsky to cooperate.

92.   Whoever is chosen as the next American president needs to put the matter on his agenda right away and assemble a team to continue the negotiations.

93.   White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta emerged from a private pep rally with House Democrats promising that Clinton would ask Congress to stay in session to continue negotiations.

94.   Palestinians, who want the Arab sector as the capital of their would-be state, have refused to continue peace negotiations with Israel until the decision is reversed.

95.   Ravalomanana and Ratsiraka were continuing negotiations to end the standoff.

96.   Powell continued the negotiations Thursday at the Russian Embassy with Kasyanov.

97.   A high turnout in the elections would give Arafat a solid mandate to continue peace negotiations with Israel.

98.   A peace team will be sent to the rebel stronghold of Jaffna to continue negotiations, she told reporters.

99.   A Turkish delegation is expected to visit the United States to continue negotiations before a project is presented to a joint U.S.-Turkish commission for security in December.

100.   A U.S. official, also speaking anonymously, said later that there was no crisis and the sides agreed to continue the negotiations.

v. + negotiation >>共 547
resume 10.28%
begin 8.41%
continue 4.23%
start 3.86%
hold 3.72%
open 3.26%
conduct 2.43%
restart 2.43%
complete 2.24%
suspend 2.07%
continue + n. >>共 652
effort 4.37%
talk 4.19%
work 3.67%
negotiation 2.76%
investigation 2.54%
search 2.54%
discussion 2.04%
attack 2.04%
operation 1.91%
fight 1.78%
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