91.   Starting Tuesday, construction crews are to reposition and resurface the roadway, add new walkways and bicycle paths, plant trees and expand a small triangular park.

92.   Still, despite a certain sense of dustiness, improvisation and lurking construction crews, the shows are more or less going on.

93.   Spall said he believed the construction crew had been negligent.

94.   Stages are so packed, producers are subletting space to one another, and construction crews are maxxed out.

95.   Tanner and Noriega will exit the shuttle and climb to the top of a metal framework left on the station by a construction crew last month.

96.   The authorities said a construction crew laying fiber-optic cable accidentally ruptured the line, releasing gas into the air.

97.   The avenue had been closed all week while construction crews worked to shore up the damaged facade.

98.   The clothier is gone, and the tea-leaf reader and prostitutes who worked upstairs have been replaced by construction crews.

99.   The construction crew was working to a Frank Sinatra tape being piped into the new sound system.

100.   The construction crews still had more work to do in the coming weeks, shoring up underground walls.

n. + crew >>共 457
television 11.89%
camera 7.86%
flight 6.52%
rescue 5.04%
construction 3.88%
fire 3.80%
film 3.78%
shuttle 3.51%
work 2.81%
news 2.69%
construction + n. >>共 572
company 11.49%
worker 10.89%
site 9.42%
project 7.62%
industry 5.92%
work 4.87%
material 2.66%
crew 2.31%
firm 1.96%
equipment 1.64%
每页显示:    共 209