91.   US spy satellites, radio and phone taps and visual inspection confirmed the existence of the camps, the newspaper said.

92.   Libya has so far refused to officially confirm the existence of the deal although it has said that informal contacts have taken place.

93.   Kulesza confirmed the existence of important documents from British archives containing testimony from three British prisoners of war who were forced to work in the institute.

94.   No separatist officials have confirmed the existence of such an accord, which the Russian command said expired Saturday morning.

95.   NRC spokeswoman Diane Screnci confirmed the existence of the alert but refused to disclose any details.

96.   Police have not yet confirmed the existence of a bomb.

97.   The daily said that the French defence ministry had confirmed the existence of such a plan, and had invited the two companies to formalise their bid.

v. + existence >>共 201
deny 19.36%
confirm 8.58%
acknowledge 7.07%
prove 3.71%
owe 3.36%
threaten 3.27%
reveal 3.18%
justify 3.18%
doubt 1.77%
disclose 1.77%
confirm + n. >>共 602
report 23.27%
death 2.93%
arrest 1.93%
attack 1.79%
identity 1.68%
incident 1.47%
figure 1.44%
detail 1.43%
account 1.35%
finding 1.22%
existence 0.85%
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