91.   Democrats have proposed that a special commission investigate the matter and have suggested that more should have been done with the advance intelligence.

92.   Dr Cheung said the commission also would investigate if there was systemic discrimination in education.

93.   Francois Carrard of the IOC has sent a letter to USOC president Leroy Walker, saying a special commission will investigate the matter, said Jerry Dusenberry.

94.   Habibie told a group of women activists that the commission would investigate rape cases and would help bring those guilty to justice.

95.   He said a special commission will investigate.

96.   He said a commission will investigate the accient and seek to determine who was responsible.

97.   He said a special armed forces commission is investigating.

98.   Human rights commission investigates the media.

99.   Hutagalung said the commission would also investigate whether mismatching was a contributory factor in the high death toll.

100.   In Canberra, the Australian Democrats said a federal royal commission should investigate the testing.

n. + investigate >>共 333
police 29.92%
authority 11.77%
official 8.92%
prosecutor 5.44%
government 3.92%
commission 3.35%
agency 2.37%
committee 1.97%
department 1.45%
detective 1.32%
commission + v. >>共 810
say 10.82%
be 7.94%
have 4.60%
recommend 2.60%
find 2.14%
investigate 2.02%
decide 1.70%
meet 1.33%
make 1.24%
approve 1.15%
每页显示:    共 181