91.   It attracts thousands of city residents and tourists to stroll along Mulberry Street, which is lined with scores of booths selling Italian and international food.

92.   Instead, the stream of people from around the world is offsetting the loss of city residents to death and relocation to the suburbs and other regions.

93.   It is evident in the distrust many city residents express in polls and demonstrations.

94.   It was good news for city residents who had lit up the police switchboard over the weekend to report sightings of the fierce-looking lizard.

95.   Law enforcement officials have said that the corruption scandal left a legacy of mistrust between police and some city residents.

96.   Kelleher was not the only person interviewed who suggested that upstate residents had markedly different views of the Diallo controversy than some city residents.

97.   London police have been warning city residents to stay away from the central city, where protesters and violent interlopers are expected to gather.

98.   Many capital city residents were appalled by the executions even though the victims may well have been crime suspects.

99.   Many black city residents say suburban schools are better.

100.   Many city residents lived in fear for their lives and property.

n. + resident >>共 320
area 19.01%
city 17.71%
neighborhood 8.03%
town 3.72%
island 3.25%
village 2.54%
shelter 2.18%
inner-city 1.71%
minority 1.42%
border 1.30%
city + n. >>共 698
official 19.40%
center 5.84%
government 3.98%
street 3.96%
centre 3.86%
worker 1.83%
resident 1.71%
authority 1.63%
limit 1.45%
leader 1.44%
每页显示:    共 298