91.   According to the North American Society for Physical Education, children need a minimum of one hour of daily robust physical activity.

92.   Adult children need to remember that their mothers will not be around forever.

93.   All children need blocks, this is a multicultural variation.

94.   All of this reaches a fever pitch in middle school when children developmentally need to fit in with peers.

95.   Allen and church members defend the discipline as Bible-based and something that unruly children need to bring them into line.

96.   Bullock tells parents to find preschool teachers who understand this child needs more than just perfunctory help to play with others.

97.   But Bushey said Simpson was notified for various reasons including the fact that his home was nearby and his young children needed care.

98.   But children also need to know that people in many places are weary of guns.

99.   But if it goes beyond that, to outright depression and not accepting the new surroundings, the child may need extra help or counseling to adjust.

100.   But for long-term treatment, children need social-skills training, behavioral treatments and speech therapy.

n. + need >>共 1173
company 3.39%
team 2.69%
people 2.61%
country 2.52%
government 2.44%
child 1.51%
investor 1.17%
system 0.93%
patient 0.91%
woman 0.86%
child + v. >>共 664
be 21.23%
have 5.73%
die 2.28%
learn 2.19%
play 2.12%
go 2.02%
get 1.90%
need 1.57%
come 1.17%
live 1.16%
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