91.   About two dozen students chanted slogans and held up banners outside the Ministry of Finance on Tuesday as Summers held talks with senior Indonesian officials about the IMF bailout.

92.   After disrupting the meeting they gathered outside the hotel, chanting slogans to demand an end to the conference.

93.   About a thousand Egyptian workers living in Iraq demonstrated at a U.N. office in downtown Baghdad, carrying posters of Saddam, beating drums and chanting anti-American slogans.

94.   Activists marched through the streets chanting anti-government slogans.

95.   After one pod of protesters was emptied, the other was rotated to the ground and police started removing the other demonstrators, who could be heard chanting slogans.

96.   After the last Israeli troops left the compound, crowds of happy Palestinians rushed in, chanting slogans in support of Arafat and the Palestinian struggle against the Israelis.

97.   Across France, protesters by the tens of thousands have been taking to the streets to chant slogans against Le Pen every day since Sunday.

98.   After chanting slogans, the protesters handed a box of cakes to the policeman on guard.

99.   After two hours, the refugees dispersed, singing songs and chanting slogans.

100.   Also, vigilantes attacked an earlier demonstration by students chanting slogans in support of reform and political freedoms.

v. + slogan >>共 144
shout 40.46%
chant 36.81%
paint 1.30%
use 1.30%
yell 1.11%
bear 1.04%
scream 0.98%
write 0.98%
spray 0.78%
daub 0.65%
chant + n. >>共 102
slogan 57.07%
name 14.14%
prayer 5.56%
song 2.02%
hymn 1.52%
support 1.31%
mantra 1.01%
verse 0.81%
obscenity 0.71%
nickname 0.61%
每页显示:    共 562