91.   Choksy said the signing of the permanent ceasefire agreement between the government and the LTTE was the first on the road to peace and economic revival.

92.   Claims to power by the MPLA and UNITA triggered a long civil war that only ended last year with a ceasefire agreement.

93.   Croatia and separatist Serbs on Monday signed a UN-brokered ceasefire agreement in the breakaway Krajina region which is now controlled by the Croatian army, a UN spokeswoman said.

94.   Croatia and separatist Serbs on Monday signed a UN-brokered ceasefire agreement in the breakaway Krajina region which is now controlled by the Croatian army, UN sources said.

95.   Damascus, the main power-broker in Lebanon, and the Beirut government accused Israel of violating the US-brokered ceasefire agreement with its shelling.

96.   Dissident Moslem leader Fikret Abdic has signed a local ceasefire agreement with United Nations military authorities in the Bihac pocket in northwestern Bosnia, UN sources reported here Monday.

97.   Efforts by the United Nations to broker a ceasefire agreement between the belligerants are continuing.

98.   Denying reports of Pakistani support to the Taliban militia, Babar said Pakistan was only trying to broker a ceasefire agreement.

99.   Despite a ceasefire agreement, there are daily shooting attacks on Russian positions and frequent artillery and even aerial bombardments on Chechen villages by Russian forces.

100.   Earlier, Bosnian commanders voiced discontent at the ceasefire agreement, which had come as they began to make military gains.

n. + agreement >>共 534
peace 24.36%
trade 7.80%
cooperation 4.36%
plea 3.24%
cease-fire 3.23%
budget 2.16%
autonomy 1.73%
confidentiality 1.69%
labor 1.57%
ceasefire 1.49%
ceasefire + n. >>共 80
agreement 27.91%
accord 13.90%
violation 9.19%
talk 6.05%
line 5.04%
proposal 4.04%
deal 3.03%
announcement 2.47%
offer 2.35%
call 2.13%
每页显示:    共 248