91.   The agency said its casualty toll was preliminary.

92.   The casualty toll in previous campaigns has been far higher.

93.   The casualty toll was expected to rise as rescue teams combed the remote Pacific island site.

94.   The casualty toll was reported by a witness, the newspaper said.

95.   The casualty toll was uncertain.

96.   The casualty toll continued to mount, with the federal command saying hundreds of separatists have died since Tuesday.

97.   The casualty toll continues to mount, with the federal command saying hundreds of separatists have died since Tuesday.

98.   The casualty toll could not be independently confirmed.

99.   The casualty toll from the attack at the U.N. base at Qana southeast of Tyre was still unclear.

100.   The casualty toll is expected to rise.

n. + toll >>共 61
casualty 63.57%
injury 5.13%
highway 3.42%
bridge 2.69%
road 2.20%
damage 1.96%
bell 1.71%
turnpike 1.47%
health 1.22%
murder 0.98%
casualty + n. >>共 72
figure 47.80%
toll 18.17%
report 6.36%
count 5.59%
list 4.12%
estimate 2.24%
rate 2.10%
claim 1.54%
department 1.19%
unit 0.98%
每页显示:    共 259