91.   The FBI says the case remains open.

92.   The French accused Libya of plotting the explosion, and the case remains unresolved.

93.   The Golden Hill case remains pending.

94.   The massive event was tarnished by a fatal bombing, and that case remains open, just as several other bombings in the Atlanta area have not been solved.

95.   The settlement terms supposedly included an agreement that the case would remain sealed.

96.   They declined to discuss details of the police investigation into the alleged threats but said the case remains open for investigation.

97.   This case accordingly remains a justiciable controversy.

98.   Thousands of theories and tips have been collected over the years but the case remains unsolved.

99.   Though the Gelsinger case is certainly cause for concern, Koski and industry officials said, such cases remain the exceptions.

100.   Three years later, the criminal case remains open and stalled.

n. + remain >>共 1272
question 1.83%
market 1.57%
investor 1.56%
inflation 1.40%
price 1.29%
issue 1.20%
people 1.10%
problem 1.03%
economy 0.90%
difference 0.88%
case 0.43%
case + v. >>共 490
be 35.93%
go 4.97%
involve 3.89%
have 2.70%
pend 2.09%
come 2.05%
raise 1.18%
remain 1.14%
become 1.13%
take 1.02%
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