91.   The otherwise routine case attracted broad attention when Russian security officials publicly accused him of being a spy in training and an alleged interrogation expert.

92.   The Waxman case attracted world attention since he was a dual U.S.-Israeli national.

93.   Their case has also attracted the efforts of the South Korean government.

94.   He said the two journalists were pleased the case had attracted international attention.

95.   His case attracted a huge debate as to whether he was a traitor to Poland or a patriot.

96.   However the jailing of Fong, whose case has attracted considerable attention in the United States, comes at a time of increasing tensions in Sino-US relations.

97.   But the Anwar case would attract rights attention, she said, alleging that the once heir-apparent to Mahathir faced unjust trials.

98.   The sentencing of Fong, whose case has attracted considerable attention in the United States, comes at a time of increasing tensions in Sino-US relations.

99.   The case attracted national attention as an example of how some Filipino officials abuse their positions.

100.   The case attracted wide interest both in Macau and Portugal where parliament in October issued a special appeal to Singapore to spare her life.

n. + attract >>共 1237
case 3.34%
company 2.01%
event 2.01%
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case + v. >>共 490
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