91.   The uprising was triggered when the military-backed government canceled elections that a fundamentalist Muslim party was set to win.

92.   The violence erupted after the army canceled legislative elections that a now-banned Muslim fundamentalist party, the Islamic Salvation Front, was poised to win.

93.   The violence began after the army canceled legislative elections the now-banned Islamic Salvation Front was poised to win.

94.   The violence started after the army canceled parliamentary elections to halt an expected victory by Muslim fundamentalists.

95.   Zyuganov also claimed Yeltsin may escalate the war in Chechnya or provoke social unrest in order to declare a state of emergency and cancel the election.

96.   He said it was not in his power to cancel the elections and that such a decision could only be made by the supreme court.

97.   If more than two thirds of all ballots are damaged or blank, the election is cancelled.

98.   In the Hajja area northwest of Sanaa, the elections were canceled because feuding GPC and al-Islah candidates carried off some of the ballot boxes.

99.   In the Hajja area northwest of Sanaa, the elections were cancelled because feuding GPC and Al-Islah candidates carried off some of the ballot boxes.

100.   But the second round which the FIS was also expected to win never took place because Chadli stepped down under pressure from the army and the elections were cancelled.

v. + election >>共 365
hold 18.63%
win 11.77%
call 7.74%
lose 3.11%
boycott 3.00%
contest 2.24%
schedule 1.86%
follow 1.78%
postpone 1.74%
monitor 1.65%
cancel 0.90%
cancel + n. >>共 703
flight 8.50%
trip 7.24%
plan 5.91%
meeting 4.62%
visit 4.06%
contract 2.78%
order 2.22%
class 2.15%
event 1.97%
game 1.59%
election 1.39%
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