91.   The military campaign has made it harder for al-Qaida to raise money, communicate among its members, travel to and from Afghanistan and provide terrorism training.

92.   The polio eradication campaign made even quicker progress after the subsequent introduction of the Sabin vaccine, taken orally and easier to administer.

93.   The small separatist group has been banned by Indonesian authorities for its aggressive campaign to make the southern part of the Maluku archipelago an independent nation.

94.   While Gore is winning in those states, the Bush campaign has been making noise about recounts to counter the recount under way in Florida.

95.   He said the contributions were disguised so that the various political campaigns would make false reports to the Federal Election Commission, which monitors campaign contributions.

96.   A pre-emptive campaign would make it far easier to contain any outbreak.

97.   Although a public relations campaign made it appear the models were partners in the cafe, they were merely window-dressing.

98.   Lockhart criticized Dole adviser Bill Bennett, who said Friday that the Dole campaign should make the Whitewater scandal and other matters an issue.

99.   The anti-AIDS campaign also is making an attempt to educate the public about the deadly disease.

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campaign + v. >>共 1078
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