91.   A WEST COAST councillor has warned of a possible fire-bombing campaign against Highland holiday homes because of anger at council tax discounts.

92.   Her heart was no longer in the campaign against Rose.

93.   Mr Patten remains convinced that most secondary schools will opt out within four years but is worried by the success of local campaigns against the switch.

94.   He added another success against Ken Connor, while teammate Mike Keane chipped in with his best win of the campaign against Rob Bevan.

95.   PROTESTORS gathered at a Merseyside dock yesterday to campaign against coal imports and pit closures.

96.   The tribunal had heard allegations of a hate campaign against the councillor after she backed a council job cuts package which affected GMB members.

97.   Although leaders want to make Chen an example of their campaign against corruption, they are not eager to give him a forum to implicate other leaders.

98.   Also, in the period in which arrests declined, there were major campaigns against drunken driving, notably that of Mothers Against Drunk Driving.

99.   Also, the Attorney General also said his campaign against corrupt and unprofessional police officers would continue.

100.   Americans United for Separation of Church and State, which campaigns against prayer in public schools, also believes that See You at the Pole is a legal activity.

n. + against >>共 787
charge 4.54%
action 3.46%
game 3.28%
sanction 2.93%
case 2.74%
campaign 2.72%
attack 2.67%
fight 2.46%
war 1.99%
match 1.82%
campaign + p. >>共 69
against 26.55%
for 17.36%
in 13.94%
of 13.45%
by 6.25%
on 3.54%
with 3.27%
to 3.03%
as 1.93%
from 1.36%
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