91.   Chase said the voting was to continue Friday because neither camp had the required votes needed to decide a course of action.

92.   Despite the desperate situation, the camp has a sense of organization.

93.   If anyone was missing, the whole camp had to stand there -- sometimes for days, in freezing rain and snow.

94.   In addition, the two camps would have to agree on purses, with both fighters feeling they should get the bigger payday.

95.   Mitchell said neither extremist camp should have to start disarming as the price for talks as Britain demanded.

96.   Nearly every camp had a prisoner orchestra.

97.   Several teams will have players on the field today, and all camps will have pitchers and catchers in uniform by Monday.

98.   Spartan tent camps would have to be replaced with more weather-resistant housing, the head of the U.N. refugee agency has warned.

99.   Spring said recently the camp has had severe problems with security because armed groups have entered the camps looking for food.

100.   The Bush camp has yet to submit a single job applicant name to the FBI for security checks.

n. + have >>共 1318
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camp + v. >>共 512
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