91.   The bus ran off the road near Manchester, Tennessee.

92.   The bus ran into a parked truck.

93.   The buses ran like clockwork and one always knew when to expect a particular bus.

94.   The manager of the public transport company, Pavle Gladovic, resigned late Tuesday, taking the blame for not keeping at least some buses running.

95.   Two buses will run from each city daily.

96.   Twelve people were killed Sunday when the bus they were traveling in ran into a truck in southern Egypt, police officials said.

97.   What caused the bus to run off the road and end up in a ditch was not immediately clear, said police.

98.   Witnesses said the bus ran into soldiers and civilians at the bus stop, then raced southwards, toward the city of Ashdod.

99.   Witnesses said the bus ran into the soldiers as they stood at a bus stop in south Tel Aviv.

100.   In addition, no busses were running in either Walloon, Flanders or Brussels.

n. + run >>共 1532
time 3.10%
company 1.82%
man 1.40%
people 1.39%
train 1.37%
government 1.16%
candidate 1.16%
car 1.03%
ad 0.93%
newspaper 0.92%
bus 0.63%
bus + v. >>共 400
be 15.23%
take 3.73%
travel 3.63%
run 3.54%
carry 2.85%
stop 2.67%
arrive 2.60%
leave 2.60%
go 2.54%
come 2.39%
每页显示:    共 116