91.   Practical experience is gained during the week end exercises or as shown in the photograph, when bridge building in Edinburgh.

92.   We are planning to have a Victorian summerhouse built in the corner so the tiles will then be inside it.

93.   Built in the seventeenth century.

94.   The house was built in a square, with a broad staircase sweeping up into the darkness.

95.   The first new distillery to be built in Louisville, Kentucky, in almost three decades is now operational.

96.   Etruscan builders fully understood the art of building in stone and used huge blocks, generally without cement.

97.   It is a tetrastyle design, built in stone which was originally stucco-covered.

98.   The oldest layout at Pompeii is the Stabian Baths, built in the second century B.C. and remodelled later.

99.   It is built in the Roman manner on a level site and the auditorium seats are supported on radiating walls and concrete vaulting.

100.   There are very few remains of this type of building in Roman cities, particularly in Rome itself.

v. + in >>共 995
live 3.94%
say 2.38%
remain 2.16%
be 1.95%
kill 1.91%
work 1.82%
base 1.78%
use 1.69%
die 1.53%
stay 1.52%
build 0.32%
build + p. >>共 98
in 32.04%
around 9.65%
with 9.22%
at 6.14%
from 4.28%
to 3.99%
of 3.79%
over 3.67%
as 2.63%
without 2.48%
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