91.   However, the Daschle-Obie compromise has recognized that the pressure to restrict snowmobiles may have helped bring about significant changes in the snowmobile industry.

92.   I had hoped that I could bring about reconciliation between the diocese and those who were abused.

93.   If the house inspired design aficionados while still on paper, it brought about more than a few extraordinary feats of communal devotion at the site itself.

94.   If US officials were grateful to Russian leaders for their role in helping bring about a possible end to the standoff, they were not showing it.

95.   If past NLGJA conventions are any indication, these journalists went home fired up to bring about constructive change in their work environments.

96.   In addition, the shuttle is to bring back about a ton of scientific samples, equipment and other material from Mir.

97.   In addition, the shuttle is to bring back about a ton of scientific samples, equipment and other material from the Russian craft.

98.   In Boston, Jose Canseco set out Wednesday on a one-man mission to help bring about change.

99.   In Eastern Europe, his call to justice has been credited with helping bring about the fall of communism there.

100.   In most Latin American countries, this has brought about a less polarized climate in which leftists have far more space to operate than they had a generation ago.

v. + about >>共 655
ask 15.76%
say 7.26%
tell 6.83%
do 4.60%
lie 3.00%
read 2.81%
feel 2.81%
make 1.87%
warn 1.59%
have 1.40%
bring 0.97%
bring + p. >>共 73
with 18.52%
down 13.53%
along 12.48%
before 10.09%
about 8.02%
for 5.33%
in 5.03%
by 4.14%
as 3.64%
at 1.98%
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