91.   The board voted with one abstention to accept the agreement.

92.   The board will probably vote in March, he said.

93.   The Broward County canvassing board voted Tuesday to reconsider its decision against a complete, manual recount of its presidential ballots.

94.   The canvassing board first voted unanimously Wednesday morning to proceed with the limited ballot count and scrap the results of two days of counting.

95.   The board also voted in principle to accept a recommendation to expand its enforcement budget and personnel.

96.   The board can vote to expel, warn or exonerate.

97.   The board has voted Ms. Lublin a salary, and this month, for the first time, had the money to pay it.

98.   The board never voted on the details of the contract.

99.   The board unanimously voted to conduct the hand count last Thursday, and Tuesday, it unanimously stood behind the results.

100.   The board voted to tell the Federal Aviation Administration to re-evaluate what airplane passengers should do in case they have to use the inflatable emergency slides.

n. + vote >>共 621
parliament 6.32%
member 5.84%
people 5.51%
board 3.75%
lawmaker 3.74%
committee 3.23%
shareholder 2.88%
majority 2.22%
senator 1.85%
deputy 1.73%
board + v. >>共 848
be 7.95%
say 5.81%
have 4.48%
meet 3.67%
approve 3.14%
decide 2.87%
vote 2.57%
make 2.05%
consider 2.03%
recommend 1.44%
每页显示:    共 192