91.   Two months later, another tax analyst resigned and a black male was hired.

92.   We do not see a cop actually stopping a black male.

93.   Watching a young black male succeed so quickly at the highest level of professional golf, Birch said, has inspired many of his parishioners.

94.   We look at ourselves, questioning our own attitudes toward black males.

95.   What is the essence of being a black male in America, in a nation that has criminalized black male masculinity, that perceives them as exotic outsiders?

96.   We miss those black males.

97.   What is the essence of being a black male in America, in a nation that has criminalized black male masculinity, that perceives us as exotic outsiders?

98.   Wideman was the street tough who embodied the cycle of violence that claims many young black males.

99.   While mentoring programs for young black males are not a new concept, they are in higher education.

100.   With respect to black males, New York has even lost ground.

a. + male >>共 408
white 18.98%
young 9.40%
black 7.30%
adult 5.97%
alpha 3.56%
american 2.41%
dominant 1.84%
african-american 1.59%
angry 1.46%
the 1.21%
black + n. >>共 1162
man 5.48%
woman 2.92%
smoke 2.64%
people 2.22%
community 1.99%
student 1.73%
voter 1.67%
leader 1.60%
leather 1.44%
hair 1.14%
male 0.39%
每页显示:    共 114