91.   White was elected high sheriff last November following a bitter Democratic primary fight against former Sheriff Jay Kenney.

92.   Almost half the CGIL membership is comprised of retired workers, who are themselves embroiled in a bitter fight with the government over its plans to reform pension rights.

93.   But Africa has also been a traditional battle ground between China and its arch-rival Taiwan in the bitter fight for allies.

94.   Combs seeks to recover three million dollars in legal expenses over the bitter fight.

95.   The videodisc battle recalled the bitter fight between Sony and Matsushita over video cassette standards.

96.   ITT has said little on the takeover bid, but analysts expect the group to wage a bitter fight against the combination.

97.   Observers predict a bitter fight in the working group charged with defining the nature and permissible quantity of dangerous products.

98.   Tarkhanov was recently sacked by the Army club in a bitter fight over control of the team with CSKA boss Alexander Baranovsky.

99.   The battle over video-disc standards recalls the bitter fight betwen Sony and Matsushita over video cassette standards.

100.   The Congress has been submerged in bitter factional fights since it was voted out of power last year.

a. + fight >>共 896
first 5.10%
legal 4.35%
good 3.57%
tough 3.33%
big 2.98%
last 2.42%
political 2.34%
bitter 1.98%
uphill 1.94%
street 1.87%
bitter + n. >>共 729
dispute 5.65%
rival 5.23%
battle 3.87%
enemy 2.81%
cold 2.51%
rivalry 2.24%
taste 2.22%
debate 2.12%
disappointment 2.04%
memory 2.04%
fight 2.00%
每页显示:    共 99