91.   The results are expected to sharpen the clash between advocates of biomedical research and opponents of abortion.

92.   The Senate Wednesday effectively killed a Republican-crafted ban on human cloning that critics said would threaten biomedical research into cures for chronic and deadly diseases.

93.   The prize is sponsored by Science magazine and the Swedish biomedical research firm Pharmacia Biotech.

94.   The trials conform to ethical guidelines for biomedical research, including the Declaration of Helsinki and the International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects.

95.   The United States has not only been at the forefront of AIDS research, it has also become the de facto biomedical research wing of our planet.

96.   Their aim has generally been to minimize pain to animal subjects and to reduce the overall number of animals in biomedical research.

97.   These businesses conduct biomedical research to find and develop new therapeutics and cures for human diseases, Nasdaq noted.

98.   These films arrive at a time when not only has eroticism been discussed to death on talk shows but biomedical research has reduced sex to a science.

99.   This biomedical research is so important that it will continue if necessary without federal funding.

100.   Unlike medical education, most biomedical research is funded by the National Institutes of Health, which is slated for a small funding increase.

a. + research >>共 1316
new 6.44%
medical 5.98%
scientific 5.75%
further 2.91%
recent 2.76%
basic 2.00%
extensive 1.75%
biomedical 1.52%
previous 1.50%
genetic 1.30%
biomedical + n. >>共 64
research 46.92%
science 5.48%
company 4.79%
ethic 4.11%
engineer 4.11%
researcher 2.74%
experiment 2.40%
product 1.71%
scientist 1.71%
industry 1.37%
每页显示:    共 136