91.   Prices of basic commodities in Metro Manila remain stable despite the increase in the prices of oil products, according to the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics.

92.   Prawoto S. Danumiharjo, assistant of administrative and development affairs, said on Wednesday the shops were intended to help local residents cope with skyrocketing prices of basic commodities.

93.   Praya police chief, Lt. Col. Suwarno, said the unrest was also caused by higher prices of basic commodities.

94.   Riots that rocked the capital Khartoum in September were party blamed on price hikes in basic commodities like bread.

95.   Prices of basic commodities have also skyrocketed.

96.   Prices of basic commodities have increased, too.

97.   Prices of basic commodities have steadily increased since Indonesia sank into deep crisis last July.

98.   Prices of basic commodities in Dili have risen because many traders have left town, making it hard to find goods.

99.   Prices of basic commodities have soared as Indonesia endures its worst economic crisis in three decades.

100.   Rusly accused the conglomerates under the leadership of Sofjan and Sudono of stockpiling basic commodities for their own interests.

a. + commodity >>共 414
basic 10.16%
hot 5.84%
agricultural 3.63%
valuable 3.21%
essential 3.16%
precious 3.05%
rare 2.63%
higher 2.53%
lower 2.26%
scarce 1.95%
basic + n. >>共 771
service 2.97%
principle 2.42%
right 1.99%
skill 1.96%
need 1.81%
commodity 1.72%
information 1.67%
research 1.60%
question 1.56%
food 1.47%
每页显示:    共 192