91.   He spent several minutes before batting practice working his way down a long line of autograph seekers draped over the wall near the Arizona dugout.

92.   Lee, wearing a black jacket over a dress shirt and tie, was gracious and personable to autograph seekers.

93.   Maradona and his wife Claudia Villafane arrived at Ezeiza airport outside the Argentine capital, and were immediately surrounded by journalists and autograph seekers.

94.   Nicklaus later accommodated a large crowd of autograph seekers.

95.   On Saturday, Ripken was nearly mobbed by autograph seekers before the game.

96.   One autograph seeker suggested voters may have made a poor decision at the polls.

97.   Romario was accused of nightclubbing on the eve of big games, punching autograph seekers and making obscene gestures at rival fans.

98.   Seles was in the tunnel leading from the court when she hugged the baby in a crowd of celebrities, autograph seekers and TV crews.

99.   Seles was startled by an autograph seeker who approached her from behind at the Hopman Cup.

100.   Simpson thought it might be a friend, autograph seeker or someone alerting him to car trouble.

a. + seeker >>共 51
autograph 59.78%
spiritual 7.82%
home 1.12%
gold 1.12%
great 1.12%
latest 1.12%
fun 1.12%
sincere 1.12%
new_age 1.12%
record 1.12%
autograph + n. >>共 62
seeker 32.82%
session 15.34%
hound 7.36%
request 7.06%
hunter 6.44%
dealer 2.45%
show 2.15%
signings 2.15%
collection 1.23%
collector 1.23%
每页显示:    共 106