91.   Supporters of the ruling say it is a rare, shining example of the federal court exercising its traditional authority as a last refuge against a rogue state prosecution.

92.   Susan Leventhal of Berlin, Conn., knows that someone keeps reporting her to authorities as a child abuser.

93.   The administration said that requirement would infringe on his authority as commander in chief.

94.   The charge of treason was dropped, and Pasko was convicted of the lesser crime of overstepping his authority as a military journalist.

95.   The European Union immediately announced plans to attack any new steel tariffs at the World Trade Organization, which has international authority as a court in such trade disputes.

96.   The exchange also agreed to open up its data base of clients to authorities as necessary, while maintaining confidentiality for the investor.

97.   The hijackers were identified by authorities as a Chechen father and his two sons.

98.   The meeting gave Mexico a chance to assert its authority as the largest Spanish-speaking nation in the world.

99.   The novelist eschews his own authority as creator to let his characters dramatize radically different positions.

100.   The plant is often lauded by Chinese authorities as a model of how Chinese and foreign companies can make money together.

n. + as >>共 1563
job 1.33%
year 1.24%
role 1.18%
reputation 1.11%
time 0.99%
day 0.87%
career 0.86%
official 0.65%
thing 0.63%
work 0.61%
authority 0.15%
authority + p. >>共 99
in 35.72%
of 14.26%
for 9.77%
over 8.27%
to 6.43%
as 2.96%
at 2.87%
from 2.66%
by 2.25%
about 2.00%
每页显示:    共 293