91.   The Rothschild family was famous for its fine French furniture, and these pieces, too, will be on the auction block.

92.   Thomson CSF, the defense arm of the company, will be put up on the auction block early next year.

93.   Three other energy distribution companies are expected to go on the auction block by the end of the year.

94.   Three hospitals are on the auction block and the administration predicts a deal this summer.

95.   Unable to keep up payments on loans to develop them, Symington began losing them to creditors or the auction block shortly after he took office.

96.   We have the Romanovs at galleries, in museums, on the auction block and, of all places, at the New York Public Library.

97.   When Phillips died, the hotel went on the auction block.

98.   While the results have clear ramifications for how sellers might want to order items on the auction block, the implications are much more far-reaching.

99.   With the New York Knicks and the New York Rangers secure under the Cablevision umbrella, only the New York Giants have eluded the local auction block.

n. + block >>共 352
apartment 19.75%
road 14.39%
city 10.65%
auction 7.60%
cell 4.61%
cement 3.51%
police 1.38%
trade 1.04%
time 0.92%
limestone 0.92%
auction + n. >>共 226
house 30.61%
site 13.32%
block 7.71%
market 2.80%
company 2.39%
result 2.16%
ebay 2.16%
process 2.04%
price 1.87%
system 1.69%
每页显示:    共 131