91.   A high-ranking UN official who did not want to be named said that the PUK had unsuccessfully attacked KDP forces ringing Arbil.

92.   Angry pilgrims wielding sticks and stones attacked security forces, who intervened to protect the Egyptian worker and arrest him.

93.   Army Captain Noel Detoyato confirmed the attacks but said they came after the MILF attacked government forces near the Kabulnan irrigation dam project in southern Maguindanao province Friday.

94.   And both men warned that military action would be taken if the Serbs continued to attack government forces in the northwest Bihac enclave.

95.   But a western observer said the rebel army had moved west past the town on Monday afternoon, attacking government forces defending a bridge.

96.   Chechen rebels attacked Russian forces in Grozny Sunday in their fiercest assault there in six weeks, the Interfax news agency said.

97.   Ecuador charged that Peruvian troops attacked forces inside its territory.

98.   Earlier in the day southern commanders said northern troops had moved east into Shabwa to attack forces loyal to Baid.

99.   The RRF was established in July by France and Britain to retaliate if UN forces were attacked.

100.   The seventh Bosnian army has attacked Serb forces on the Kupres plateau further south.

v. + force >>共 523
use 19.55%
join 12.71%
withdraw 3.12%
deploy 2.57%
fight 2.42%
send 2.36%
accuse 1.79%
have 1.61%
lead 1.22%
attack 1.16%
attack + n. >>共 1629
target 3.12%
position 2.57%
village 2.30%
police 1.86%
troop 1.61%
civilian 1.54%
force 1.34%
town 1.16%
home 1.03%
woman 0.99%
每页显示:    共 124