91.   She went to high school and art school in Vancouver, then moved down to Los Angeles and tried to break into the movies.

92.   Shut out of art school, prohibited from drawing from the nude, they limited themselves to humble, homespun genres like still life and portraiture.

93.   She passed two desultory years at Knox College in Galesburg before pursuing her dream of art school in Chicago.

94.   She says that when she first entered art school, she thought of becoming a teacher but film became a better medium to express herself.

95.   So the logo of his art school is the hand.

96.   Some art schools offer free classes to models.

97.   Soon after, he transferred to art school and became involved with the Kristiania Bohemians, a group of artists and writers who mocked bourgeois society.

98.   Starr grew up in Boston and attended art school there, in New York and at the Kansas City Art Institute.

99.   Still lacking, Chambers says, is an art school to match the ones that put Los Angeles artists on the map.

100.   The answer, as of this fall, is an arts charter school.

n. + school >>共 658
law 19.07%
charter 12.05%
business 7.05%
flight 4.91%
art 2.73%
city 2.30%
neighborhood 2.02%
film 1.73%
day 1.44%
area 1.37%
art + n. >>共 726
world 6.89%
gallery 6.43%
history 3.49%
dealer 3.48%
historian 2.75%
collection 2.59%
school 2.18%
director 1.99%
works 1.96%
critic 1.82%
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