91.   Rebels have launched attacks on Congolese army positions in new violations of a shaky cease-fire agreement, the government said Saturday.

92.   Several shots were fired at army positions on the Serbian side in the first attack around midnight Monday, he said.

93.   Shortly after Israeli troops pulled out, six more mortars struck near the Neve Dekalim settlement in Gaza and close to an Israeli army position.

94.   Sochacki said initial reports indicated the fire came from Bosnian army positions.

95.   Some fire also came from a Croatian army position, he said, probably in response to the Serbian fire.

96.   Since then, Hezbollah has shelled Israeli army positions along the border about once a month.

97.   Sudan air force and ground troops have bombed and shelled Uganda army positions near the common border for three days, the defense ministry said Thursday.

98.   Some of them hit Bosnian army positions, said U.N. spokesman Alexander Ivanko in Sarajevo.

99.   Son after the death, guerrillas fired rockets on Israeli army positions in the disputed Chebaa farms region on the eastern part of the border.

100.   Spokesman Marjan Djurovski said the rebels opened fire on Macedonian army positions from the villages of Sipkovica and Gajre, and that government troops responded.

n. + position >>共 993
rebel 6.51%
pole 5.31%
government 4.95%
army 3.82%
leadership 3.71%
guerrilla 3.60%
field 2.58%
market 2.18%
management 2.15%
dollar 1.80%
army + n. >>共 530
spokesman 8.76%
officer 7.57%
troop 4.86%
commander 4.35%
official 3.82%
unit 3.34%
radio 3.18%
soldier 3.15%
base 2.89%
helicopter 2.09%
position 1.37%
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