91.   As a result six Algerians were arrested and charged in France by Bruguiere and an arms cache was found at Epinay-sur-Seine, north of Paris.

92.   Austrian historians say the government was aware of the arms caches when they were first set up, but that succeeding governments were not informed of them.

93.   British spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Ben Curry said coalition forces had recovered an arms cache as Operation Condor moved into its seventh day.

94.   Burns said it remained unclear whether the depot would be destroyed, and indicated that there could be other arms caches in the Bosnian Serb republic.

95.   Coalition forces have detained several more al-Qaeda terrorist suspects and destroyed arms caches in Afghanistan, a US army spokesman said Friday.

96.   Devaivre, acting impulsively, finally steals papers indicating an arms cache from an SS officer who is set up in an office at his film company.

97.   ECOMOG has appealed to the public for information on other arms caches.

98.   The source added that the fresh gesture involved an arms cache near the frontier between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic.

99.   The source said the fresh gesture involved an arms cache near the frontier between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic.

100.   The United Nations Thursday began destroying a Greek Cypriot arms cache as part of reconciliation efforts with the Turkish Cypriots on the divided island, officials said.

n. + cache >>共 40
arm 43.71%
weapon 30.42%
ammunition 5.59%
explosive 2.45%
rebel 2.45%
drug 1.75%
memory 1.40%
militia 0.70%
treasure 0.70%
browser 0.35%
arm + n. >>共 531
embargo 18.26%
sale 7.84%
control 4.61%
inspector 4.43%
treaty 2.65%
dealer 2.56%
deal 2.53%
shipment 2.25%
strength 2.19%
agreement 1.65%
cache 1.65%
每页显示:    共 124