91.   The resolution was approved by the House last year, but failed by one vote in the Senate.

92.   The Senate approved the resolution by a unanimous vote.

93.   The really heavy political lifting will come after a single budget resolution is approved.

94.   The resolution was approved overwhelmingly, but supporters of Menem boycotted the vote.

95.   The U.N. Security Council approved a resolution endorsing a Palestinian state and calling for a cease-fire in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

96.   The UN Security Council unanimously approved a resolution to help fill a political vacuum in Afghanistan and provide security for the vast areas of the country under opposition control.

97.   The United Federation of Teachers, at its regularly scheduled monthly delegate assembly, approved a resolution demanding that the students be excluded from the graduation.

98.   The United States and NATO wanted the Council to approve that resolution because it was sponsored by influential developing countries and Islamic states.

99.   The U.N. Security Council quickly approved a resolution mandating the international force that will sweep into Kosovo behind the departing Yugoslav troops.

100.   They have approved nonbinding resolutions, such as one proclaiming that Congress will not discriminate against stay-at-home moms.

v. + resolution >>共 404
pass 13.63%
adopt 9.77%
approve 7.99%
veto 4.15%
introduce 3.61%
support 2.78%
sponsor 1.83%
reach 1.75%
implement 1.73%
reject 1.65%
approve + n. >>共 673
plan 6.67%
bill 5.83%
deal 4.40%
measure 3.74%
legislation 2.90%
merger 2.56%
proposal 2.19%
resolution 2.10%
agreement 2.07%
sale 2.00%
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