91.   Because their applications are in the works, un documented immigrants like Daniel and his family are permitted to remain in America while seeking legal status.

92.   BIP developers expect an early application to be a humanoid-like robot that can assist the physically disabled.

93.   A brochure about air bag switches is also available, as are applications for permission to have them installed and information about where they can be obtained.

94.   A second application is under review, but a vote is not expected before October.

95.   A particularly striking application is that of the snip chip being developed by Lander.

96.   A professional lacquer application will be better and last longer than anything you can do yourself.

97.   About one out of three Medicaid applications is rejected citywide, advocates say.

98.   All these applications are absurdly easy to use, though some of them have frustrating limitations.

99.   Brinster, a professor of veterinary medicine, said the first applications might be in animals.

100.   But Colombia said the application was not specific enough in stating which species would be sampled and how much cash would be paid.

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