91.   Any decisions are usually announced in a memo issued days or weeks after the board meets.

92.   Announced in March, Teledesic has yet to apply for its licenses, company officials said.

93.   Another break, recently announced in the journal Science, is discovery of a gene or genes that may be partly responsible for making some people susceptible to psoriasis.

94.   Arrangements for Chinese entry into the WTO were supposed to have been announced in April during the American visit of Prime Minister Zhu Rongji.

95.   Arbour announced in Skopje, the capital of Macedonia, that she would make another attempt to get into Kosovo.

96.   As a step toward the goal of flying formations of nanosats, NASA announced in August that it would sponsor the Nanosat Constellation Trailblazer mission.

97.   Approval was expected, and ratifies the terms of a settlement between the companies and the FTC staff that was announced in July.

98.   As Alarcon was speaking, aides handed him a summary of the measures of retribution Clinton had just announced in Washington.

99.   As soon as filming was announced in Hawaii, conservationists voiced strong concern about the dangers the project would pose to indigenous species.

100.   As one step, Intel announced in April that it was planning a big move into Internet services by building and running server farms.

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