91.   The Czech Republic has allowed the use of its air bases and territory for NATO air tankers and the transport of war equipment for the bombing of Yugoslavia.

92.   The county attorney has said that because Mooney does not belong to a federally recognized tribe, he is not covered by legal provisions allowing the use of peyote.

93.   The decision left some wiggle room for future efforts to allow medical uses.

94.   The fifth agreed to allow the use of her name.

95.   The court is expected to rule in June on whether a federal ban on the drug prohibits states from allowing its use for treating the seriously ill.

96.   The FDA is preparing to make a decision very soon on whether to allow its use in snack foods.

97.   The government has been gradually initiating Western-style policies such as allowing the use of dollars, expanding commercial banking and allowing limited private enterprise.

98.   The end product is so good that the New South Wales and Queensland environmental protection agencies allow its use on food crops.

99.   The hearing examined recent reports of Mexican drug cartels who have forced ranchers on the southwest U.S. border to allow use of their land for drug trafficking.

100.   The FAA gave it more time and allowed limited use of STEs.

v. + use >>共 447
make 12.53%
have 5.24%
ban 3.97%
allow 2.43%
include 2.31%
oppose 2.28%
limit 2.27%
prohibit 2.20%
involve 1.93%
promote 1.77%
allow + n. >>共 1326
run 6.25%
hit 5.03%
access 2.72%
use 1.57%
time 1.36%
goal 1.18%
visit 0.96%
reporter 0.96%
sale 0.85%
single 0.80%
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