91.   Industrial production has accounted for almost three times as much as agricultural production.

92.   It has no doubt increased agricultural production, created rural jobs.

93.   It has also helped agricultural production grow.

94.   Its aim was to help modernize agricultural production after World War II.

95.   KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. - Research and development projects in areas that can reduce imports and enhance agricultural production will be given priority for government grants.

96.   Legions of African army worms chomping through eastern Africa threaten to severely reduce agricultural production in the region, an insect control expert said Wednesday.

97.   Liu urged local finance departments to support agricultural production and development of the rural economy.

98.   Medalla said the backbone of growth this year will be a recovery in agricultural production.

99.   Mugabe said the program will proceed in full consultation with farmers, bankers and donors, and would not endanger agricultural production.

100.   Nations have drastically reduced their contributions of food aid, agricultural production has slowed and food stocks are dwindling, a U.N. agency said Wednesday.

a. + production >>共 1365
industrial 12.67%
new 3.02%
increased 2.95%
domestic 2.46%
agricultural 2.19%
higher 1.95%
lower 1.60%
full 1.37%
local 1.36%
overseas 1.09%
agricultural + n. >>共 586
product 9.90%
land 4.29%
sector 4.10%
production 3.77%
subsidy 2.27%
export 2.10%
worker 1.75%
cooperative 1.73%
goods 1.69%
development 1.67%
每页显示:    共 182