91.   The NextCard and Providian ads both feature a thermometer showing a falling interest rate.

92.   The other ads feature young actors dressed in jeans and T-shirts.

93.   The recruiting ad features the words integrity, intellect, and common sense, written over a photo of a young woman.

94.   The Republican ads originally featured Martin Luther King Jr. but that version was withdrawn following national outrage from civil rights leaders.

95.   The stark ad features no visuals besides black type on a white background.

96.   The teaser ads featured Seinfeld on the set of his old TV situation comedy and made references to several episodes of the show.

97.   Their ads often feature the candidates against the backdrop of a hospital or emergency room pledging to give people more choices of doctors.

98.   These ads featured both President Clinton and Dole prominently, even though they were ostensibly generic, party ads.

99.   Thirteen other ads feature Rayder wearing a variety of mink items.

100.   Those ads feature milk-mustachioed celebrities, unashamed to be seen drinking the wholesome beverage.

n. + feature >>共 1035
show 4.17%
ad 3.14%
game 2.93%
site 2.47%
event 1.80%
film 1.64%
program 1.50%
series 1.11%
campaign 1.08%
festival 1.06%
ad + v. >>共 511
be 20.80%
run 5.76%
show 5.28%
feature 4.58%
appear 4.07%
begin 2.32%
say 1.99%
have 1.85%
come 1.38%
make 1.35%
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