91.   Nigerian pro-democracy activists called Wednesday for mass protests and civil disobediance next week to bring down military ruler General Sani Abacha.

92.   Pro-democracy activists have called for a boycott of the conference.

93.   The Australian debate led to a stiffening of gun control laws there and one New Zealand gun control activist called for the same response in New Zealand.

94.   The banner-waving activists called on President Lee Teng-hui to ignore the missile tests and support an independent Taiwan.

95.   The activists called for a joint session of parliament to be held with the participation of Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev and the opposition to discuss the situation.

n. + call >>共 869
plan 4.35%
official 4.02%
group 3.10%
leader 3.06%
government 2.06%
people 1.96%
agreement 1.74%
critic 1.65%
report 1.08%
party 1.04%
activist 0.41%
activist + v. >>共 722
say 18.55%
be 7.02%
accuse 2.50%
call 1.83%
try 1.48%
want 1.35%
plan 1.27%
argue 1.12%
have 1.10%
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