91.   The tentative accord also calls for legal reforms of the financial system, such as regulations governing bankruptcies.

92.   The resulting accord calls for a transition government pending a second round of elections.

93.   The U.N. accords call for similar benefits for women and children who are virtual sex slaves or indentured sweatshop laborers.

94.   This accord called for general elections in March, a government of national unity, withdrawal of foreign troops and deployment of a peacekeeping force.

95.   Walker pointed out that the peace accord calls for the Croats and government to unite their armies under a Muslim-Croat federation.

96.   Wu noted the trade accord called for letting U.S. companies set up joint ventures in China to produce audio and video products and computer disks and programs.

97.   Gallucci on Monday confirmed that the accord called for the opening of diplomatic liason offices to represent the United States in Pyongyang and North Korea in Washington.

98.   Israeli radio said the accord calls for the opening of talks on the final status of the West Bank and Gaza Strip within two months.

99.   -- The transportation accord calls for coordination in air, sea and road travel.

100.   Both these accords called for the demilitarization of the Dodecanese islands in the Aegean Sea.

n. + call >>共 869
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accord + v. >>共 388
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