91.   The accord is the latest step by Russia and other countries to stem organized crime by groups operating both inside and outside Russia.

92.   The accord is yet another indication of how Sun is seeking to push Java into myriad electronics devices -- from cash registers to cars.

93.   The accord would be for a six-month period, and would be renewable.

94.   The accords are a constitutional amendment that would require a two-thirds majority vote to win passage.

95.   The accord is a big defeat for tobacco companies, notably Philip Morris, the largest cigarette seller in Europe.

96.   The accord is also good news for companies trying to raise funds in the stock market.

97.   The accord is just a first step, according to Microsoft Corp.

98.   The accord was a bittersweet victory for Timorese rebels and pro-independence advocates.

99.   The accord was more evidence the U.S.-Japan security relationship may be evolving.

100.   The accords reached there were possible because the United States agreed to join in enforcing them.

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