91.   The aging church leaders now trying to atone for their past handling of sex abuse cases were once bold and forward-thinking.

92.   The bishops will face new public scrutiny of their past and present handling of abuse cases.

93.   The cardinal noted that all the abuse cases in the article occurred before he became bishop in Bridgeport.

94.   The case prompted a public outcry that resulted in a law that loosened the secrecy laws that had restricted public disclosure of information in child abuse cases.

95.   The cardinal has said he will, despite intense pressure to resign over his handling of sexual abuse cases in Boston.

96.   The committee, headed by Amirault supporter Carol Hopkins of San Diego, is active in abuse cases across the country.

97.   The cardinals rejected the idea that there was a link between the sex abuse cases and mandatory celibacy.

98.   The court action followed a bizarre child abuse case that was ultimately attributed to cultural misunderstanding and dismissed.

99.   The court applied the same broad protection to domestic abuse cases that it provided last year to rape counseling records.

100.   The clinic deals with rape and child abuse cases.

n. + case >>共 629
court 9.29%
murder 5.46%
corruption 3.53%
drug 2.58%
high-profile 2.33%
fraud 2.25%
abuse 2.10%
capital 1.92%
display 1.71%
rape 1.54%
abuse + n. >>共 179
case 19.96%
scandal 11.27%
allegation 9.05%
charge 8.61%
victim 7.81%
complaint 2.93%
claim 2.66%
problem 2.31%
policy 2.04%
program 1.69%
每页显示:    共 224