1.   Any member may resign by giving written notice to the council, accompanied by his certificate of membership.

2.   The most important condition for the purchaser to consider is the need for written notice of the assignment to be given to the debtor or supplier.

3.   Invariably the other partners will be required to serve a written notice upon their offending colleague and the expulsion will usually take immediate effect.

4.   This Condition can only have effect if it is called into operation by the party wishing to rely on it giving written notice to the other to that effect.

5.   All applications must be made on written notice unless otherwise directed.

6.   At Wellpoint Health Networks and Cigna, patients must submit written notices from their doctors verifying their claims are caused by medical mishaps, diabetes or prostate cancer.

7.   According to the court documents, several written notices and warnings to Quade went unanswered.

8.   After he gave the company oral, then written notice of his activation, the company dismissed him.

9.   Midway through one grading period, she gave him written notice that if he did not change his attitude and study habits, he would fail.

10.   NFL rules would have required the team to have given written notice by February.

a. + notice >>共 290
further 23.98%
short 20.87%
public 4.65%
prior 2.88%
official 2.38%
formal 1.94%
written 1.61%
proper 1.27%
warning 1.27%
adequate 1.05%
written + n. >>共 463
statement 12.12%
word 3.51%
report 3.12%
agreement 2.73%
request 2.69%
question 2.20%
response 1.86%
record 1.79%
permission 1.63%
consent 1.58%
notice 0.67%
每页显示:    共 29